The Nordic skater's super-weekend will take place in the winter resort of Hotel Rantapuisto. A weekend full of winter activities for the whole family. From sunset until late at night, you can go on excursions on skates, kicksleds, fat-bikes or snowshoes. You can take the basic and advanced training courses for Nordic skating. There are also lots of fun winter activities for the whole family; sledging, barbecues, tattoos, films, etc. etc.
Thu 20.2 - Sat 22.2 from 10-16
Glitter tattoos
Sledding (bring your own sled)
Snowshoe testing point
Children's tick-box activity
Campfire site and outdoor café
Thu 20.2
12 Fatbike ride 10 €
12 Ice safety exercise 10 €
13 Nordic skating test 10 €
13 Kicksledge trial 10 €
14 Fatbike excursion 10 €
14 Nordic skating test 10 €
14 Kicksled test 10 €
17.30 Film screening for children
15-18 Theory part (1/2) 49 €
21 Sound bowl retreat
Fri 21.2
10-12 Discovery Nordic skating on natural ice 98 € (incl. rental equipment, without training)
10-12 Kicksledding on the ice 98 € (incl. rental equipment, no training)
12 Fatbike trip 10 €
14 Fatbike excursion 10 €
15-18 Nordic skating Training Tour (2/2, for those who have completed the theory part) 98 €
16 Children's disco
18 Lantern kick-sledging 20 €
19.30 Lantern kick-sledging 20 €
21 Sound bowl retreat
Sat 22.2
9 Adventure trip. Sunrise Nordic skating trip for trained skaters 39 €
12 Fatbike tour 10 €
12 Ice safety training 10 €
13 Nordic skating trial 10 €
13 Kicksledding trial 10 €
14 Fatbike excursion 10 €
14 Nordic skating test 10 €
14 Kicksled test 10 €
15 Nordic skating technique training 39 €
16 Children's Disco
18 Lantern kick-sledging 20 €
19.30 Lantern kick-sledging 20 €
21 Nordic skating trip. Night skating for the trained 39 € + sauna
Sun 23.2
9 Nordic skatingtrip. Nordic skating on ice-skating 39 €
12-14 Discovery Nordic skating on natural ice 98 € (with rental equipment, without training)
12-14 Kicksledding on the ice 98 € (rental equipment, without training)
15 Nordic skating rescue exercise + sauna 49 €